Levenmouth Academy

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Site Traffic Management Plan


This page shows Levenmouth Academy's Site Traffic Management Plan.  We take the SAFETY of all site users very seriously, as outlined in the attached document.

Following supportive consultation with our partners at Fife Council's Planning and Traffic Departments, we now have the installation of double red lines on our access road. 


This is a NO STOPPING area. 

Should you wish to drop/collect your child, please do so by driving to the Levenmouth Academy car park to the rear of our building, just off the roundabout.  There are designated pedestrian crossing points from there to the building.  If your child(ren) attend our Faculty of Integrated Pupil Support, you can collect them in the front car park by arrangement.

 Parents, Partners and Practitioners should be aware of, and follow, the instructions/signage and general advice about driving on campus.  Please pay particular attention to speed and be alert to young people at all times. 

 LEVENMOUTH ACADEMY - SITE TRAFFIC PLAN AUGUST 2021Site Traffic Management Plan August 202


Levenmouth Academy.