Levenmouth Academy

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Child Protection Information




All children should be safe and protected from harm. We believe that child protection is everyone's job and that all children and young people in our school have the right to be cared for, protected from harm and able to grow up in a safe environment where their rights and needs are respected.  We all have a part to play in making sure that our children's welfare is looked after and all their needs are met.

At Levenmouth Academy we work together, in partnership with our colleagues in Social Work and Police Scotland, to achieve the best for all young people in our community. In Levenmouth Academy our Child Protection team are:


Child protection and safeguarding team


Child Protection Co-ordinator

Mrs Jacqui Muir                   Depute Headteacher 

Depute Child Protection Co-ordinator

Mr Daryl Friel                       Depute Headteacher           

Safeguarding and Equalities Coordinators

Mr Steven Kane                 Mrs Karen Small


If a child is at risk of harm or significant harm, relevant and proportionate information must always be shared. School staff do not require the consent of the child or parent to share information related to child protection issues, where the child may be at risk of harm or significant harm.

While it would be ideal to share information with the consent of the child, there are times when information may need to be shared without consent to ensure the child’s safety. Staff must not delay sharing information where there is a child protection concern.

Levenmouth Academy staff are obliged to pass on information about child protection issues to Social Work and Police and that information cannot be kept confidential where a child is at risk of significant harm.   


Our Child Protection, Safeguarding and Wellbeing Policy can be viewed at 


Please do not hesitate to contact the school to highlight any issue you may want to discuss with us.